IIT People Search

Mauro Gemmi

Principal Investigator
Technologist - Principal Investigator
Electron Crystallography
Research center

Mauro Gemmi is a physicist. He has got his PhD in physics from Bologna university with a thesis on "Crystal structure analysis by electron diffraction: strategies and applications" in 2000. Since 2001 he has worked in several electron microscopy labs in Europe (Stockholm University, Milan University, Institut Néel Grenoble) becoming one of the maximum experts in the application of electron diffraction to structure solution problems. Since the end of 2010 he has been  responsible of the TEM laboratory of the Center of Nanotechnology Innovation@NEST a center of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia network in Pisa Italy. From august 2015 to august 2021 he has been coordinator of the center.  He is now principal investigator of the Electron Crystallography reasearch line of IIt at the Center for Materials Interfaces in Pontedera, Italy.

He has been among the first to extensively use precession electron diffraction for solving crystal structures and is now leading a TEM laboratory which is a reference center for 3D electron diffraction. His main research goal has always been to apply electron diffraction to structural problems in any field of crystallography. At the moment he is developing low dose 3D ED methods to investigate beam sensitive materials like organics, hybrid crystals and proteins. His scientific dream is to see electron diffractometers entering in every crystallographic lab. From 2015 to 2018 he has been chairman of the SIG04 on Electron Crystallography of the European Crystallographic Association. He is member of the Italian Crystallography Association (AIC) and of the Mineralogical Society of America.


Title: Laurea in Fisica
Institute: Università di Bologna
Location: Bologna
Country: Italy
From: 1989 To: 1995

Title: PhD in Physics
Institute: Università di Bologna
Location: Bologna
Country: Italy
From: 1997 To: 2000


Title: Chair of the Commission on Electron Crystallography of IUCr
Description: null
Date: 01-09-2021

Experience External

Title: Invited Scientist
Institute: Institut Néel CNRS
Location: Grenoble
Country: France
From: 2008 To: 2008

Title: Tecnico EP
Institute: Università degli Studi di Milano
Location: Milano
Country: Italy
From: 2001 To: 2010

Title: Post Doc
Institute: Stockholm University
Location: Stockholm
Country: Sweden
From: 2001 To: 2001

Top Publications
Anyfanti G., Husanu E., Andrusenko I., Marchetti D., Gemmi M.
The crystal structure of olanzapine form III
IUCrJ, vol. 11, (no. Pt 5), pp. 843-848
Article Journal
Andrusenko I., Hall C.L., Mugnaioli E., Potticary J., Hall S.R., Schmidt W., Gao S., Zhao K., Marom N., Gemmi M., Rodriguez J.
True molecular conformation and structure determination by three-dimensional electron diffraction of PAH by-products potentially useful for electronic applications
IUCrJ, vol. 10, pp. 131-142
Marchetti D., Portone F., Mezzadri F., Dalcanale E., Gemmi M., Pedrini A., Massera C.
Selective and Reversible Solvent Uptake in Tetra-4-(4-pyridyl)phenylmethane-based Supramolecular Organic Frameworks
Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 28, (no. 72)
Andrusenko I., Hamilton V., Lanza A.E., Hall C.L., Mugnaioli E., Potticary J., Buanz A., Gaisford S., Piras A.M., Zambito Y., Hall S.R., Gemmi M.
Structure determination, thermal stability and dissolution rate of δ-indomethacin
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 608
Gemmi M., Lanza A.E.
3D electron diffraction techniques
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, vol. 75, pp. 495-504
All Publications
Gemmi M.
3D ED/MicroED entering a new era
Acta crystallographica. Section C, Structural chemistry, vol. 80, (no. Pt 6), pp. 177-178
Note Journal
Molinari G., Aliotta L., Gemmi M., Lazzeri A., Righetti M.C.
Constrained amorphous interphase in plasticized poly(lactic acid): Composition and tensile elastic modulus estimation
Polymer Testing, vol. 131
Article Journal
Anyfanti G., Husanu E., Andrusenko I., Marchetti D., Gemmi M.
Crystal structure determination of the antipsychotic drug of olanzapine form III
Article E-print Archive
Molinari G., Parlanti P., Passaglia E., Aiello F., Gemmi M., Lazzeri A., Righetti M.C.
Dependence of the crystal structure on the d-units amount in semicrystalline poly(lactic acid)
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Article in Press Journal
Carone L., De Santis V., Pittarello L., Pratesi G., Gemmi M., Parlanti P., Steiger-Thirsfeld A., Di Michele A., Giuli G.
First find of Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite in the Alfianello L6 ordinary chondrite
XIX Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie
Poster Conference
Gemmi M.
From inorganic nanoparticles to protein nanocrystals
Online Seminar organized by Amsterdam Scientific Instrument - Amsterdam - Netherlands
Gemmi M.
The nanocrystallography revolution
Invited webminar by Eldico
Gemmi M.
XRD and 3D ED partners in structure solution and refinement
Invited webminar by STOE & Cie GmbH
Gemmi M.
An introduction to electron microscopies
Lions of Science
Public Event
Gemmi M.
An introduction to electron microscopies
Boost-Up The New Generation of Materials Scientists
Public Event
Scientific Talks
Gemmi M., Parlanti P., Mugnaioli E., Campanale F., Folco L., Veron M.
3D electron diffraction and nanotexture analysis of impactites.
EMC2024 4th European Mineralogical Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Gemmi M., Parlanti P., Mugnaioli E., Campanale F., Folco L., Giuli G., Pratesi G., Veron M.
Combined 3D ED and nanotexture analysis for the study of meteorites and meteoritic impacts
ECM34 - Padova Italy
Gemmi M.
Polytypism of pharmaceutical nanocrystals investigated with 3D electron diffraction
CGOM15 - Phuket Thailand
Emerson Agbemeh V., Andrusenko I., Husanu E., Marchetti D., Sonaglioni D., Gemmi M.
Structural Study of Polyphasic Mixtures Using 3d Electron Diffraction (3D ED) ; A Case Study Of Oxyresveratrol
EMC2024 Copenhagen Denmark
Parlanti P., Molinari G., Lazzeri A., Gemmi M.
Unveiling the three-dimensional ultrastructure of Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) spherulites by means of electron microscopy
17th European Microscopy Congress EMC2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
Oral presentations
Gemmi M., Mugnaioli E., Kaiukov R., Toso S., De Trizio L., Manna L.
3D electron diffraction on nanoparticles with a complex structure
25th IUCr congress
Gemmi M., Andrusenko I., Lanza A., Mugnaioli E.
Crystal Structure of New and Highly Complex Organic Molecules Solved by 3D Electron Diffraction
32nd European Crystallographic Meeting